Thursday, June 9, 2011

Today in my Life 6/9/11

Outside my window...  It is pitch black, but warm

I am thinking...  That I REALLY want to get my level 7 skills!

From the Homeschool Room...  We are almost "done" for the year.  I will be doing workbooks throughout the summer but by the end of the week we will be done with actual school.

I am reading...  I just finished reading The Candymakers by Wendy Mass.  It is an awesome book!  I would recommend it to pretty much anyone!

I am hoping...  That I will move up to Level 7!!!!!!!!!!!

From the kitchen...  We found a new recipe for Nutella Cookies.  They are so yummy!  They are rich chocolaty happiness!   As my dad would say" they make me happy!".

From the gym...  I am working on my level 7 skills.  I am very close to getting them!  Once I get them, I can start working on my routine!

I am hearing... The clicking of computer keys!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Sweet Pea how about giving Gommy your recipe for Nutella cookies. They were delicious!!!

    You're doing an excellent job of moving forward in learning new skills for level 7. Before you know it you will have your music and new routine to work on.
