Friday, January 28, 2011

Today in my Life

Outside my window...  It is still snowing,  and my igloo is still up.  There are snowmen that my siblings made that are guarding my wonderful igloo!  My Poppy has helped me make my igloos for the past 2 or 3 years!  Thank you very much Poppy for helping me with my igloo again this year.

I am thinking...  About my gymnastics meet this weekend. It is in New Hartford.   My dad and I call it New Fartford!   It takes 3 hours to get there!!!  My friend Shannon and her parents are riding with us!. 

From the Homeschool Room...  Jayden and Ava are playing hot potato with Education Cubes and Ava is reading the words off of them.  Jayden and I have been doing map drawing!  It is really fun!  I am getting very good at drawing South America.  I have also started a new level book of Singapore math!  I am doing pretty well.... but it is difficult. 

I am reading...  Chicken Soup for the Teenage Soul.  I have already read Chicken Soup for the Pre-teen Soul, and I love the series!  It is awesome! 

I am hoping... I will get very good scores at my meet this weekend.   I am also hoping I will not fall off  any event and that I will place.

From the kitchen...  We are having fish for dinner with Poppy & Gommy.  We call Fridays, Fishy Friday.  It is always really fun when Poppy & Gommy come over.

From the gym... I have gotten much better on beam.  Guess What!?!  I got my back-handspring on low beam!  YAY!   I am so happy!  My coach Sarah pushed me to do it and I did it!!! 

I am hearing... Ava saying "shake your booty... oops I spilled the fish food". 

1 comment:

  1. Chloe, it is wonderful to hear about what you have been doing and what you are thinking and feeling. Poppy and I so enjoy our time spent with our grandchildren.

    So encouraging to hear that you are pushing through some of your fears and accomplishing new skills in gymnastics. It never serves us well to compare ourselves to others. You are your own unique individual with your own God-given abilities. So remember to set your own goals and then work hard toward your own personal best. Also, remember that gymnastics is NOT the only thing that defines you as the special young girl you are developing into.
